Calling all actors, singers, designers, technicians and comedians! Whether you were born for the stage or just want to try something new, Georgetown theater has a job for you!

Calling all actors, singers, designers, technicians and comedians! Whether you’re dreaming of a career in theater, need a creative outlet or simply want to make friends, this list will help you discover which Georgetown performance group is best for you.
I came to Georgetown University knowing I wanted to join a theater group. I was heavily involved in theater in high school, but acting at the collegiate level seemed too intense. Luckily, Georgetown’s performance groups offer multiple ways to get involved, including designing costumes, building sets, performing in a pit band or creating graphics for merchandise and posters! Below, you’ll find a list of Georgetown’s top five performance groups, including information regarding their mission, creative pursuits and how to get involved!

Mask and Bauble Dramatic Society
At 160 years old, Mask and Bauble is Georgetown’s oldest student theater group and is the self-proclaimed “oldest continuously running student theatre group in the country.” It prides itself on tradition and is committed to providing a platform for students to study classic and musical theater pieces. Recent Mask and Bauble productions include Hedda Gabbler, Footloose, J.B., A Midsummer Night’s Dream and All My Sons. Mask and Bauble is also a champion of student playwrights; each year, the Don B. Murphy One Act Festival exclusively performs student-written work.
As one of Georgetown’s largest and most active groups, Mask and Bauble is constantly seeking new talent. They recruit heavily during freshman orientation and even perform a short comedic play, lovingly referred to as O Show, to introduce new students to Georgetown. If you are interested in acting, Mask and Bauble stages four shows each year. Audition information is found on their website, in their email letters and on flyers. For non-actors, the club holds interest meetings at the start of every production process for students to express interest in all areas of design ー costumes, set, props, makeup, graphics, lighting – you name it!

There is significant overlap between Mask and Bauble and Nomadic Theatre, as most students are members of both. However, Nomadic commits itself to producing theater that is “socially engaging and technically ambitious,” meaning that their productions are more likely to push the artistic envelope and question societal conventions. Past Nomadic productions include Hookman, a play focused on the trauma of sexual assault; Firebringer, which forces us to question our obsession with modern technilogy and our neglect of the earth; and Language Archive, which explores the art of authentic human communication.
Nomadic and Mask and Bauble have similar processes when it comes to joining productions, and the two clubs collaborate when it comes to casting choices. To become a member, you must gain one acting credit and one production credit, though there are plenty of ways to gain those credits without joining a major production. Members are inducted in the fall and spring, and you only have to work on one show ー acting or producing ー each year to maintain your membership! Plus, no dues! Unless, of course, you want to purchase some super sweet merchandise, which the clubs will always recommend.

Black Theatre Ensemble was formed to privilege the voices of students of color and minority students, though the club is inclusive to all backgrounds. Depending on the play, BTE holds open casting at the same time as Mask and Bauble and Nomadic Theater. Involvement in BTE is a great way for students to read works by writers of color and discuss the issues that minority students face at predominantly white institutions like Georgetown. During my senior year, I acted in aBTE production of Blood at the Root by Dominique Morrieseau, and the experience opened my eyes to the nuances of racial aggression and homophobia both on campus and in our society.
Black Theatre Ensemble also hosts Coffee Houses throughout the year where students can take the mic to share original poetry, staged readings, skits ー whatever is on their heart! In addition to its performance events, BTE has hosted diversity training and discussions. They are still a developing organization, so they don’t perform as frequently, but they actively support their members and aim to help all Georgetown students feel heard.

GU Improv is undoubtedly the funniest club on campus and is a great place for individuals to express their comedic creativity in a casual atmosphere. It is a long-form improv group, meaning they use audience suggestions to come up with skits, games and jokes on-the-spot. At the beginning of their shows, they interview an audience member, which usually results in some juicy revelations that provide fantastic comedic inspiration. They don’t take themselves too seriously, though they have produced some serious stars – comedians John Mulaney and Nick Kroll are part of the organization’s impressive alumni network.
GU Improv is a small troupe, less than twenty members, and not every member performs in every performance. However, the club hosts sold-out shows almost every month, meaning that once you’re in, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to perform for an energetic audience. Based on their superb social media presence, I’d guess they’re a tight-knit group. They don’t have a website, so check their Facebook for audition information and upcoming shows!

Formed in 2015, GUerilla Improv is Georgetown’s youngest performance troupe. However, unlike the other groups on this list, GUerilla Improv hosts open practices every Sunday, so you don’t have to be an official member to get involved! Like GU Improv, GUerilla Improv hosts themed comedy shows almost every month. Past themes include “No Dad, I’m Giving Up on Your Dream,” “The Most Wonderful Crime of the Year,” and “The AP World History Exam.” They also perform in ImprovFest, a campus comedy special featuring improv groups from Georgetown and partner universities like the University of Virginia and American University.
According to their Facebook page, you can email for “details, dating advice, recipes, etc.” and though I can’t vouch for the quality of those services, I can confirm that their comedy merits five stars.
Whether you’re a seasoned actress eager to take the stage, a class clown looking to perfect your practice, or a creative individual wanting to dip your hand in different design fields, there is a place for you in Georgetown’s co-curricular theater groups. Plus, all the groups offer varying levels of member commitment, so there is no rush to get involved during your first week on campus. I waited until my freshman spring to get involved, and I still formed amazing relationships. If there is one thing I’ve learned from my time in theater it’s that art forges community, and that is especially true at Georgetown University.
Still not sure which performance group is right for you, or you want to get connected to a club’s leadership? Email me at, and I’m happy to connect with you.