Meeting with your LSA academic advisor is an important first step before registering for classes. Advisors give you advice about how to fulfill your major requirements and apply any AP or IB credits, as well as help you keep up to date with your LSA requirements.
Graduation Criteria
Skills Requirements
- First-year writing
- Upper level writing
- Race and ethnicity
- Quantitative reasoning
- Fourth-term proficiency in a language
Distribution Requirements
- Part I (seven credits per distribution)
- Humanities
- Natural science
- Social science
- Part II (three credits each in three of the following distributions)
- Humanities
- Natural science
- Social science
- Math and symbolic analysis
- Creative expression
Once you and your advisor have decided on your course load, go to the LSA Course Guide to begin the registration process.
Navigating the LSA Course Guide
On the front page of the course guide, you can search for classes by skills requirement, distribution requirement, subject, credit hours, meeting times, and more!
For example, say that you are looking for a class that satisfies the race and ethnicity requirement with no other specific criteria. After clicking the search button, you will see a list of all classes that satisfy the race and ethnicity requirement. Below, there is a selection of example classes.
Click on each class to view meeting times, buildings, instructors, and open seats. You are encouraged to add any classes you are interested in to your backpack; the backpack allows you to see how different class meeting times align before you finalize your schedule. To add a class to your backpack, select a class from the list and copy the five-digit number under “Class Number.”
Backpacking Classes

Log into Wolverine Access with your UMich email and select “Register for Classes” on the homepage.
This will bring you to a page entitled “My Class Schedule.” From here, click the “add” button. This will then bring you to the backpacking page.
Paste the class number you previously copied into the textbox under “Enter Class Nbr,” then hit enter. You will see the enrollment preferences page where you can choose to join the waitlist if a class is full, or override a time conflict with another class in your backpack. You can also select if you want a class to be graded or pass/fail. After you have decided if you need any of these options, click “Next.” The class has now been added to your backpack. Once you have a backpack full of potential classes, you are ready to begin registering!
Registering For Classes
Having classes in your backpack does not mean that you have to register for them. The backpack is a great tool to visualize your schedule as you can see meeting days and times. Having lots of classes in your backpack is helpful as some may fill up quickly or be in conflict with others. Once you have finalized your course load and are ready to begin registering, delete any extra classes from your backpack.
Next, select the box next to the class you would like to register for and click “Proceed to Step 2 and 3.” It will confirm the enrollment preferences that you previously selected. Once you hit “Finish Registering,” you’re all set. Congratulations! You have successfully registered for a class. The class will be added to your schedule at the bottom of the backpacking and registering homepage.
If you’re interested in reading about campus life at the University of Michigan, check out our article Eat Like a Wolverine.